- February 17, 2023

Blog 2: Your Questions Answered!


Seasons Greetings!

Merry Christmas! We are so grateful that you chose to sign up and learn more about our mission trip to Norway.

Y’all get our family excited when you come to us and ask us about this crazy adventure the Lord has set us on!

There are few frequently asked questions that have come up in conversation and here we will provide the answers for everyone

“Why Norway?”

Our ultimate goal is to be in Scotland. We have connected with the YWAM Base in Paisley, Scotland, where we hope to be at long term. We initially wanted to do our Discipleship Training School there. Unfortunately, they don’t have a way to host children while we do our training in the daytime. We chose Norway after our friends told us about their training being family friendly. These friends of ours did their DTS as a family of four and loved it! After training we intend to staff at the Scotland YWAM base long term.


“What will a normal day look like for you during your training?”

In the morning, Gabe and I will attend lectures/classes about missionary life with a focus on what it looks like to be a missionary with young children. There will also be a lot of times in worship and intercessory prayer with other families that are living on the base. In the afternoons there will be a time of work to assist around the mission base. But the best part we are looking forward to is having all our meals together with the other missionary families in training with us!


“What will your kids be doing while during the first 3 months in lecture training?”

Haven, our 3 year old, will attend something called Barnehage, or kindergarten each weekday until 2:45pm. Leon, our oldest, will attend something called Foundations School until noon. after school me or Gabe will stay with the kids and play while the other does work around the base.


“Where will you do your 2 month outreach mission after your 3 month lecture training?”

This is still being decided! YWAM Grimerud normally finalizes those details about a month before we arrive. They are working hard to arrange the best outreach to allow families to let their children participate in the mission work as -much as possible and we plan to select a location that will do that the best!


Our Needs!

  • PRAYER – Please pray for us during this journey. We have a lot of things to cross off our checklist. Arrange flights to Norway, Scotland, and whatever country we go to for our outreach during DTS, packing lists, and of course, funds!

  • Fundraising – We have raised 3,200.00 so far!

    • total remaining needed for DTS and round trip flights – is $19,000.00

    • Big Update! We have collaborated with a funding organization called the Christian Ministry Alliance (Thank you Emily Simms for the introduction, if you are reading this!)

      This means that when you donate to our mission you will receive a tax deductible charitable donation receipt! We hope this is going be beneficial to you in your agreement to help us spread the gospel of the man Christ Jesus in Europe, The UK and beyond!

  • Thank you for agreeing to be a part of these emails and our journey getting to Norway and Scotland.

    The Sotos

    Above Photo: Grimerud YWAM Base Farm in Norway during the winter. This base is also a fully functioning farm growing wheat, carrots, raising sheep and more. This is our first stop and where we will do DTS! We will be there during the spring and summer. We will still probably see snow like this for much of spring time!

    Paisley YWAM Base House 1928 "Stanely House"

    Above Photo: Paisley, Scotland YWAM Base House 1928 “Stanely House”

    Above Photo: Paisley, Scotland YWAM Base House 2018 “Stanely House” This is where we hope to staff long term once done with our DTS in Norway.