- January 22, 2024

Touching Lives!


You can make a difference in someone’s life this year! 

In fact, you have made a difference in many of our young disciples. Will you believe God with them for the Father to do more than we can ask, think or imagine?

Elisha, having suffered a bout of malaria, returned from Africa exhausted but excited for the next step of obedience.

Here’s a synopsis of his last few months in the DTS:


“The Outreach Phase is a two month phase where the students get divided into teams and sent off along with two staff to lead them to different outreach locations. We prefer to term this outreach phase as, “The Cost of Discipleship” because this is the time when our faith and love for God comes into practice. So for the two months of outreach we spent a great deal of time in serving God. As the ministry leader for the team, I had a whole lot on my plate. We had 4 different major locations where we spent about 2 weeks at each location ministering to the people. We held open air crusades where we saw many people accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Saviour. We did door to door evangelism where we encouraged people bringing the message of the gospel that brings healing and light to their hearts.

Many times we used testimonies of our own past life to help the people know that nothing is too big that our God can’t handle or heal. We participated in mercy ministries where we would go to different hospitals in the area and serve the people. Often times we worked at cleaning up the compounds or the different wards, prayed for the sick people, giving them food, and at times, we would go to the market places and clean the entire area by cutting grass, trimming the plants or picking up trash. Sometimes we would not see a reaction from the crowd, or people would mock us, but later on we heard that many people would ask, “Where are those missionaries who did this work for the community? We would like to thank them”. It always blessed our hearts to hear those kinds of stories. 

At times we held a sports day where we invited the youths for a game of football and then later on in the day we shared with them testimonies and also prayed for them. We held conferences as well as ministered to plenty of children in the many schools.

We saw people delivered from demons, we saw the sick healed when we prayed, and we saw lives being delivered from darkness to the light. God is always at work and we too must be doing our Father’s will”

Elisha’s prayer is to continue growing with YWAM through the Biblical Studies course in South Africa. Please pray with him for confirmation from the Father. It would be another huge step and for right now….it’s really nice having him home and we’re very thankful he is gaining strength each day.

Jyoti, along with five other of our youth have just this last Friday, completed the one year Bible college course. Yay! I’m super proud of them. I asked them, “Doesn’t it feel good? Now you have one year of Bible college under your belt!”

Jyoti is working on obtaining all her legal documents with the hope of getting her passport and a visa to the USA! She wants to attend Bible college in Colorado to complete the 2nd year! We’ve been praying for Abba Father’s favor for Jyoti. 

This is a huge step of faith but one that I believe will make a difference in many people’s lives.

Elizabeth is home for the winter holiday and will return South at the end of this week to complete her third-year exams. Immediately after, she will begin fourth-year classes before starting her internship. We praise God for making the last three years of study possible and now are praying for this year’s expenses.

Elizabeth, Jyoti and Elisha would love to have you praying for them and being part of their support team. This is an opportunity to sow into young people who intend to serve the Lord and make a difference for eternity. 

If you’d like to be part of their blessing team please pray. 

And if you sense the Lord speaking to you to help financially or any other way, I am confident in saying, it will be seed sown on good soil.

Thank you for being a vital part of our lives and destiny.

God bless you!