- December 20, 2022

Christmas Sun


As we ministered God’s love to the aged, widows and poor this last week, A was thoughtful as he listened to an elderly man. The man told A about how his family locks him out at night – he and his wife – and that they are cold as they spend long evenings out on the open veranda. We were thankful to visit, pray and give warm blankets and food.

The old man’s eyesight was very poor but after we prayed for him, he was able to see better! Praise God for His grace and goodness! We are praying for full healing of his sight – both physical and spiritual.

Visited a widow and her children and gave some warm winter clothes and blankets along with some basic essentials and edibles. They were very blessed. We pray they will come to know Jesus as their personal Lord and Savior.

It is such a wonderful time of year to reach out with the love of Jesus and we are blessed to minister to those in need. Thankful to the Father for working through us to touch lives for His kingdom.

Thank you for partnering with us through your prayers and financial gifts. You are very much a part of what God is doing here on the subcontinent.

Early Christmas morning we plan to gather to worship and pray with a few of the local believers and afterwards, most the us will pack up supplies on two scooties, rent a small tum tum and take the beauty and wonder of Christmas to those who do not know about His love. “For God so loved the world that He gave His only Son…”

The best gift.



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