- June 28, 2024

Prayers Are Being Answered!!!!!


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There is SO much going on as we humble ourselves before the Lord and the Lakota/Dakota Sioux Native people of Central South Dakota. April, May, and June have flown by! See below how God is working:

· Mark has begun a men’s bible study group for prayer, encouragement, and divine connections.

· Tracy has thrown a couple of parties for the kiddos to have fun, have Truth spoken over them, and create lasting and meaningful memories together. (Studies show that just by having one person in a child’s life who believes in them will make all the difference as they grow into adulthood.

· Tracy has been providing 2 days of counselling to sex-trafficking survivors including induvial therapy, group therapy, as well as classes. The classes focus on physical and spiritual wellbeing including Godly healing, praying, bible study, listening and obedience, as well as cooking healthy meals and staying active.

· Tracy and Mark both continue to build relationships with tribal members and have started discipling/mentoring young new believers in the faith.

· There were several events hosted by our church and the local church where several men came to Christ and we have had 12 baptisms!

· One of the most significant events we have prayed for repeatedly and expectantly was that the leaders of the 3-4 local churches would come together as one accord and work and worship together. Our hearts were definitely full that evening.

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· 2 other events fed over 200 people from 2 local reservations in which one young local pastor even rapped a few songs calling out Jesus and his testimony. It was so special!

Please remember to pray for these people and that they would continue to respond to the gospel! We would also covet your prayers as we continue to learn and do life with the people of this community, especially the drug epidemic, severe poverty, and spirit of suicide focused on the youth that continues to devastate the community. One of the most difficult issues is there never seems to be enough food and children text us every week asking for food for their homes. Please pray for Mark and I as we try to shine a light among penetrating darkness and all of the spiritual warfare that accompany this task. Thank you so much for your faithful partnership with us! You are participating in the coming fruit!! We are so thankful for each one of our partners like you that share in the coming harvest!! Thank you so much for joining us in the Great Commission to make disciples of all Nations! You are making a difference!


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