- January 1, 1970

First Newsletter Update from South Dakota-Wofford’s 04/08/2024


Wow. What an honor it is to serve among the Lakota/Dakota Sioux Native people of Central South Dakota.  Many praise us for our work and for “going” but it truly is a privilege and blessing to love on a hurting people who need the love of Christ beyond measure.  March was full of activities related to basketball outreach with the children as the sport is an important way of life for many in this community.  As well as Resurrection Day activities among other exciting things.  See below how God is providing and moving!

  • Mark has been providing coaching 2 nights per week for the children and loving it.
  • Tracy was able to bless the community with clothing, shoe, and toy donations. Specifically helping the survivors of sex-trafficking in the local area.
  • Great News! Tracy will be providing a full day of counselling to sex-traffickigng survivors starting this month which will include induvial therapy, group therapy, as well as classes.  The classes will focus on physical and spiritual wellbeing including Godly healing, praying, bible study, listening and obedience, as well as cooking healthy meals and staying active.
  • Tracy has also started bible study one night a week with these survivors as well as prayer meetings with the handful of native women believers on the reservation which is quite an honor.
  • Resurrection day was especially wonderful as Tracy was able to get many children together at our home for Jesus activities, crafts, and the story of the resurrection. We didn’t have an easter egg hunt due to the SNOW!  But it was a beautiful day that she did not want to end.  A grandmother to many of the children later said that she is grateful for the special memories being made and has even noticed a difference in how the children treat each other after spending time with us.  What a gift.
  • Mark continues to encourage the believing and non-believing men and pray with individual members of the community and was also able to share a message at a local church which was well received.

Please remember to pray for these people and that they would continue to

respond to the gospel! We would also covet your prayers as we continue to learn and do life with the people of this community, especially the drug epidemic, severe poverty, and spirit of suicide focused on the youth that continues to devastate the community.  Please pray for Mark and I as we try to shine a light among penetrating darkness and all of the spiritual warfare that accompany this task. Thank you so much for your faithful partnership with us! You are participating in the coming fruit!! We are so thankful for each one of our partners like you that share in the

coming harvest!! Thank you so much for joining us in the Great Commission

to make disciples of all Nations! You are making a difference!