
Mark & Tracy Wofford

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The prayer of a righteous person is powerful and effective. James 5:16

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Holy Spirit Vision Seekers

Our Why:  In 1985, a ministry was born through my mom and dad after moving to the Crow Creek Indian Reservation in South Dakota.  For 22 years they poured their heart and souls into sharing the gospel and the love of Christ to the Lakota/Dakota Sioux native people.  After two decades of giving their lives to the ministry, they prayed for seeds to have been planted and hearts to have been softened to the Truth.  During the time of COVID, Holy Spirit began stirring the hearts of me and my wife for the native bride in the northern plains.  We began a journey of reconnecting with the same communities my parents served during their ministry.  After several outreach trips of testing the waters it became clear that Holy Spirit was inviting us to step out into the deep (Luke 5) and to the work started by my parents.  So we have decided to answer with “Here am I, send me”. (Isaiah 6:8) What We Will Be Doing: We will be partnering with a local church, River Hills Fellowship, comprised of a mostly native congregation where Tracy and I will be taking on a discipleship role and helping with evangelism efforts including tent revivals.  We will also work to establish a house church ministry on the reservation to meet weekly to fellowship and do life together by meeting the people in their tipi’s.  We will help with compassion efforts through work with the local native people and the intense need for healthy food and helping care for and guide the children, many who live with distant relatives due to losing their parents to homicide, suicide, drug overdose, or COVID. Please Consider Partnering With Us: We are in desperate need of prayer warriors to join us on this journey of love for the native people.  If you are able, we are always in need of financial assistance in order to best help those in need on the reservation. Our hearts are filled with joy as we embark on this adventure, yet we know that it will be a trying and difficult ministry involving spiritual warfare and darkness we have never known.  But we serve a good God who has already won and desires for us to stand with hurting and spread his message of hope for a future with no tears or sadness, no suffering or pain.  We will all rejoice together some day, signing with one another, with people from every tongue and tribe and it will be breathtaking!  Thanks for your obedience and consideration regarding this ministry, you may someday know the impact it has made for His glory in eternity.   =

How you can pray for us.

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The prayer of a righteous person is powerful and effective. James 5:16

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The prayer of a righteous person is powerful and effective. James 5:16

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