- October 18, 2024



God is blessing us so much in this season with our Native brothers and sisters, the Lakota/Dakota Sioux people of Central South Dakota. July, August, and September have been joy-filled and a time of growth and harvest! See below how God is working:

· Mark has continued men’s bible study group for prayer, encouragement, and divine connections including guest speakers encouraging and stretching the men in their faith.

· Tracy has been reaching out to encourage and speak truth over the women in the community doing bible study with survivors of trafficking at the local safe-house and new friends who are fellow believers for one-on-one discipleship. We actually had a barbecue last night with a bonfire and roasted marshmallows for the kiddos. It was so much fun and fellowship was flowing! There was a non-believer who seemed very receptive during this time of fellowship and was poured into by the Spirit.

· The church they attend recently held an Operation Christmas Child drive in which native children and parents of the community packed over 100 shoe boxes to send to children in impoverished countries as a way to bless them and share the gospel. Hezy filled 7 boxes! Another local church had a revival Saturday which blessed many and Mark and Tracy were used to speak truth and love over people struggling with attacks of the enemy.

· Tracy received a call late at night from a native sister who was in a very dangerous situation. She was in danger of being trafficked and was being physically assaulted and held against her will in the middle of nowhere. After calling 911 and praying for a miracle, the police found her by the grace of God as we had very little info to help find her. She is safe in a shelter now and grateful to have escaped and praising God.

Please remember to pray for these specific needs for our ministry:

—–One of the primary needs at this time is a 6ftx12ft trailer for Mark’s truck as they are continually helping mow lawns and haul things for elderly and disabled tribal members. This will help in different outreaches and projects when serving our communities!

——We also are believing in God providing an 18-passenger van to pick up families/kids who would like to be at church. This would allow us to have families at church who normally can’t attend because of transportation challenges.

——Continue to pray for our local churches River Hills Fellowship in Chamberlain, SD., River of Zion and The Hope Center in Lower Brule and Life Church in Fort Thompson, SD. Specifically for Unity and that the gospel goes forth penetrating the hearts of the lost and hurting!

——Lord willing, we would like to start a local food bank to help meet the needs of families that come up short in being able to provide food for sometimes very large families as well as coats, hats and gloves for families as we approach the brutal winters of The Northern Plains.

Please pray for Mark and I as we try to shine a light among penetrating darkness and all of the spiritual warfare that accompany this task. Thank you so much for your faithful partnership with us! You are participating in the coming fruit!! We are so thankful for each one of our partners like you that share in the coming harvest!! Thank you so much for joining us in the Great Commission to make disciples of all Nations! You are making a difference!