- August 24, 2022

Knowing God

Knowing God
It is good to be here and have the daily times of worship and study from the Word…
These last several weeks we’ve been focused on “Knowing God” and what that means for each one of us. 
What does it mean for me to ‘know’ Him? 
It says in the John 17:3 “And this is eternal life that that they know You, the only true God, and Jesus Christ whom You have sent.”
To know God is to know His character, His love for His children and His heart and desire for those in the world to know Him. To know God is to grow in intimacy with Him and to receive greater revelation of who He is and what He is like. 
It’s like having a friend that we spend time with and learn their likes and dislikes. We learn what makes them happy and what saddens them. As we fellowship with a friend it enables us to grow in understanding their heart and what is important to them..
Our heavenly Father desires for each of us to know Him. We are encouraged in His word to ’seek Him’, and to search out the knowledge of God.
And the more we spend time with Him and receive revelation of His heart, we have more and more reasons to be filled with thanksgiving and praise. 
So I pray for a desire and even a hunger to develop in each one of the children in our home. I yearn to have each one grow in their relationship with their heavenly Father.
And I pray the same for myself and for you too.
I wish I would have recorded yesterday afternoon’s interlude. We took a break from work on the homestead and relaxed on the veranda as each one shared what it means to them to know God. At my request, they had written a paragraph or two the previous day. As we went around the circle the person sharing stood up and spoke clearly without me interrupting to tell them to enunciate their words : )
It was beautiful to hear each one share…