- June 14, 2023

Yeich Family Update June 2023


There’s a lot going on around here!

June through August are proving to be busy, exciting, uplifting, and a bit overwhelming…and we’re just getting started.

June 3rd we loaded up the car and headed north to Kentucky where we will be living for the month. Brian was accepted into a writing program at Asbury Seminary and will be focusing on preparing a book proposal in hopes of getting his dissertation published. The program includes free lodging, so Sarah and I were able to join him and we are enjoying spending time with the rest of the family and our friends we have missed deeply. I know we won’t be able to spend time with everyone, but we are trying!

While we are here, Sarah has been able to take some riding lessons with her former instructor, which has just brought so much joy to her heart. She is also getting the opportunity to go on a mission trip with her former youth group the last week of June. Brian and I will be heading back to Louisiana while she is gone, so she will be staying with a friend’s family during July and then will be serving as a Junior Camp Counselor at the camp she has attended the last couple of years.

Brian and I will be attending the Eastern Texas conference of the Global Methodist Church in College Station, TX in July and then slowly making our way back to Kentucky to pick up Sarah from camp.

August has us returning to College Station to conduct an in-person Inspire training event with some local churches there and then heading to Hattisburg, Mississippi the following weekend to meet with college students at the local Wesley Foundation as they start fellowship bands as a part of their campus ministry.

We are also continuing conversations with a local church, as well as, a church in Weatherford, TX  planning more teaching with them both in the fall. Additionally, we will potentially be working with a group of clergy in Oklahoma this fall.

In the midst of all this, Brian and I have been helping to prepare a grant proposal for the Inspire Movement. There is a lot of mind numbing work that goes into a grant proposal and I, for one, will be glad when the final papers are turned in for consideration. Should the ministry receive these funds, Inspire will be able to help teach even more people how to deepen their relationship with God and to live missionally in the world around them.

Donor Fund

As you know, we have stepped out in faith in full-time ministry with Inspire and rely on donations for our basic living expenses, while supplementing with some teaching and odd jobs along the way. God has been so good to provide for us along this journey and we are deeply grateful for all the support we have received.

In order for us to continue with full-time ministry in this capacity, we need to raise about $3800 per month. If you feel the calling to join us financially in this ministry, please use the link on this page to donate. You can give a one time gift or set up a monthly donation.

Prayer Requests

  • Travel mercies for all the traveling this summer

  • God’s movement as we meet with clergy, congregations, and students

  • Lord’s will be done with the grant proposal

  • Financial provisions for the coming months

  • Continued ministry connections

  • Repairs on the house