- May 20, 2022

Packing, Covid, and a Little Girl Time


Life has moved quickly over the last few weeks. Our house sold within 4 days on the market, then inspection and appraisal went well. Since then Misty has been busy packing and cleaning out. Next week we finally load up the truck and head off on this new adventure!

As in pure Yeich fashion, life can’t be crazy enough with just one life changing event, we always have to throw in things like homeschool, birthdays (and there are alot of them in May!), co-op events, and just for the fun of it…Covid. We managed to avoid it for 3 years, but it finally caught us! Although, we didn’t realize until later, Sarah and Misty had it a few weeks before Brian actually got sick. Not sure how he managed to get a pass the first time, but it was going around the Seminary and he just couldn’t by pass it this time. Thankfully, we all have gotten through it just fine and are ready to get things moving again!

Needless to say, life has been a little bit stressful lately and, as much as we have tried to shield her, Sarah has also been feeling the strain. This week we took a break and walked around our little downtown to do some window shopping and enjoy a little ice cream at the Local Confectionery.  We were only gone about an hour, but it was a nice little bit of girl time to help relieve some of that stress.

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