- July 20, 2022

“Tent Making” Opportunities


No, we are not actually making tents. That would requiring sewing, and those who know me know that is definitely not one of my gifts. If you haven’t heard the term “tent making”, it simply refers to what you do for income while you do ministry. I thought I would share a few of those “tent making” opportunities God has been providing for us during this transition.

Brian has been given a few online teaching opportunities for this summer and fall. He continues to teach for Asbury Theological Seminary; however, he has recently began teaching a few graduate and undergraduate courses at Wesley Biblical Seminary. He is currently working on creating a new course on Christian Literature that sounds very interesting.

He has also started a consulting business called “Pathforward Consulting”. With this business, Brian’s main objective will be working with Christian schools to help them through the ever important academic accreditation process. He can also work with churches, schools, or organizations with any other academic, administrative, or pastoral consulting needs. Consulting is a slow moving venture which takes time to cultivate, but the wheels have at least started moving.

While these “tent-making” opportunities will not be enough to supply all the income we will need for living and ministry expenses, God is also beginning to provide through the generous donations of friends and family. In order for us to focus on the ministry locally and on the road, we do need to continue to receive funding. For 2022-2023, we need to raise about $48,000. Figuring out the travel costs with an RV will be a learning curve, so I know we will have to make adjustments to the budget along the way as we live out the unknown.

If you would like to be a part of our journey financially, you can make tax-deductible donations at www.yeichfamilyministry.com.