- October 23, 2023

We Have a Move in Date!


Happy Monday Family! I wanted to update everyone on our move in date that was communicated with us a couple of weeks ago! We have finally got a date to shoot for (even though it’s not the most ideal time to move to South Dakota in the dead of winter) we know God’s timing is perfect! We are excited to announce January 15th, 2024, as our day to move! We are so excited to call this our new home and can’t wait to roll our sleeves up and let Holy Spirit do His thing! Please pray for good weather during this time and that a few financial needs fall into place involving the cost of our move! We our securing a moving company and still need about $4,000 to cover the cost of their services. Also, be praying for unity in the Body of Christ for our house church ministry launch that will also include street evangelism among the Ft Thompson and Lower Brule reservations! We are already seeing Holy Spirit move among local believers and groups are already being birthed as we speak! Thank you all for going on this journey with us and we appreciate your prayers and support so much! As you seek God for how you can support this ministry, I want to give everyone a general idea of what funds we receive now and, in the future, will be used for:

Purchase of Bibles and small group discipleship material.

Needs within the communities such as:

Car repairs in community

Housing repairs in community

Groceries for families in need in community

Begin saving for Native Youth Travel Basketball program to start next summer. We are in desperate need of a reliable 18-person passenger van to travel with as many tournaments are several hours away and out of state!

$2,000 Marcia Wofford Scholarship Fund awarded annually to a graduating senior wanting to further their education after graduation.

River Hills Fellowship Christmas party held annually specifically for our Native communities in the area.