
Lewis Family

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The prayer of a righteous person is powerful and effective. James 5:16

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Who We Are

We are the Lewis family, comprised of 5 kids and two dogs!  Our two oldest daughters are in college, two sons are in high school, and our youngest daughter is in elementary school.  Bill is working for the international ministry he founded in 2007, has a tile installation business, and is in seminary finishing his Master of Theology degree.  Jenna is the Director of Kids Ministry at our home church and runs a microcurrent neurofeedback business.

Where We Have Been

 We have been involved in ministry beginning in 2006.  Bill founded a ministry in China, which expanded to Uganda, India, and Jordan, helping children born with severe heart disease get lifesaving surgery.  Whether it was living in-country or from afar, the focus has always been evangelism and discipleship of not only the families going through this but also the community around us.

The same is true of Jenna being focused on both evangelism and discipleship but hers through different avenues.  First working in student ministry and then moving to teaching special education in the public school system where she partnered and advocated for students and families all with discipleship in mind.  She now is the Director of Kids Ministry at our local church and loves pouring into both kids and families but on the side, she runs a MicroCurrent Neurofeedback business that started because of an amazing change in our youngest son's life, where she can share hope for the hurting.

Where We Are Heading

A few years ago, God started stirring something in our hearts.  That ‘something’ is a desire to move abroad and help those with great spiritual and physical needs.  Using our almost 20 years of ministry experience, local and international, we are excited to see what God has planned for us.

We are looking at serving in Central America, and we are praying and exploring different countries and we will see where God leads.  Please be praying for this!

Our first priority is to spend time learning the language and culture.  This is a very important step because language and culture will help us as we begin to serve the local people, point them to Christ, and disciple local believers through all we do.

Please pray for us as we begin this journey and we are excited to see what God going to do!

How you can pray for us.

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The prayer of a righteous person is powerful and effective. James 5:16

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The prayer of a righteous person is powerful and effective. James 5:16

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