- May 31, 2024

Labor with Joy


We received the rain everyone prayed for. Praise God! Now with all the moisture, the kids labor diligently to keep the grasses down. Since the task requires cutting by hand it truly is a lot of work but this year. They are very happy to do it : )

I figured they needed an incentive to do the task joyfully so they are paid for their many bags of grass each week by the kilogram (approximately 2.2 pounds). On average each person often times cuts well over 100 pounds, sometimes 200 or more! That’s a lot of cut grass. When we had a milk cow, she ate a good amount but now we use most the grass for mulch and compost.

The more it rains, the more compost/mulch and rabbit food we have and the more spending money the kids have.

Every Friday afternoon, the kids with bright smiles line up to collect payment : )

The younger kids (some of the older ones supervise) continue leading Sunday school in the surrounding villages. It’s really nice to see the kids take this responsibility and in the process, watch them mature.

Well…. Eli ended up going west instead of south. Fortunately we received help from a Christian doctor who used his influence to get Eli internship at a mission hospital. She began her post on Monday. 

I spoke with her on the phone yesterday. She’s working in the pre and antenatal ward presently. She’s required to complete a certain number of cases before she moves into the surgery department.

I was surprised to learn her college courses have equipped her to be in a higher rank and therefore more respected than the other nurses! Bless the Lord!

Her department will lead worship in the hospital’s daily worship service next week. She said she is a little nervous. I said “Why? You’ve had plenty of practice.” She replied, “Because I am new in the department.”

“Aw, you’ll do a great job!”