
Kay Frost

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The prayer of a righteous person is powerful and effective. James 5:16

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I am a Youth and Children’s Ministry Mobilizer living in Arusha, Tanzania.

I’ve been in East Africa 20 years working with every age, focusing primarily on youth and children. I’ve lived in the village, town and city holding Bible Studies for widows and Backyard Bible Clubs for as many as 200 youth and children per week. I’ve taught English at Christian schools, helped plant churches, taught pastors’ wives and even pastors themselves. I’ve taught True Love Waits (Biblical abstinence curriculum) and even taught the Bible to college students. Now I am focusing on youth and children’s ministry leaders.

Currently my Tanzanian team and I travel the country from the mountains (including Kilimanjaro) to the seas (the Indian Ocean) training children’s ministry leaders and church leaders. We teach them what God’s Word says about youth and children. We encourage them to prioritize ministry to the next generation that is also the ‘right now generation.’ Because youth and children comprise as much as 80% of congregations in Africa but are the most overlooked population within them. We train these leaders to share the Gospel and teach God’s Word, both literate and illiterate teachers, ensuring they have theologically sound yet creative methods available to teach their youth and children.

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The prayer of a righteous person is powerful and effective. James 5:16

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Send an encouraging message or prayer to the campaign owner. Let them know you are praying for them.

The prayer of a righteous person is powerful and effective. James 5:16

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