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Stone Family


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Hello, we are Jared and Amanda Stone, high school sweethearts from North Carolina, who were married in 2005. Our family includes two lovely daughters. Audrey, our first daughter, was born in 2012, and in 2021, we journeyed to the Philippines to adopt Princess, who was born in 2016.

Our time in the Philippines opened our hearts to the people and children facing hardships due to poverty, abuse, and abandonment. Witnessing how the love of Jesus and the hope of the Gospel restored these vulnerable children who had suffered greatly touched us deeply. We saw selfless individuals dedicating their lives to serving these children, embodying the compassion and love of Jesus.

With over 20 years of service in our local church as student pastors and worship leaders, we are thrilled to embrace this new calling from the Lord. Upon first setting foot in the Philippines, we felt the Holy Spirit leading us to serve these precious people and come alongside the work of the orphanage that so lovingly cared for our daughter. Their mission to provide care for the most vulnerable and spread the Gospel message of hope and love resonated with us deeply.

We appreciate your support as we embark on this journey!

Support Stone Family

Mail your donation

To mail your donation, please make your check payable to Donor Fund, with a notation for Fund DF3028, and mail to: P.O. Box 7735, Goodyear, AZ 85338.

Donor Advised Funds or Private Charity

If you are giving from a Donor Advised Fund or Private Charity: Follow these steps:

1. Find "Christian Ministry Alliance" in your grant portal. (Goodyear, AZ | EIN: 46-3408177)
2. In your grant portal, designate the gift by including the name of the associate or FSO.

Non-Cash Giving

By donating assets such as stocks, real estate, and business interests before the sale, you can reduce taxes and create longevity in your giving.

To learn more about how to give non-liquid assets like stocks or real estate, email us at finance@christianministryalliance.org