
Rachel Roberts

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The prayer of a righteous person is powerful and effective. James 5:16

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I am excited to start my transition to a new phase of ministry, expanding my ministry focus beyond personal foster care. My vision for this next phase of ministry is to be a manifestation of God’s love for the “least of these” by supporting, working in the best interest of, and advocating on behalf of the vulnerable children of Honduras.

My vision is to accomplish this through several means:

  1. Working with DINAF (Honduran child services) and stepping in some of the gaping holes that they cannot fill (such as completing investigations in a timely manner) due to a lack of resources and personnel. This will hopefully help children achieve permanency more quickly and prevent children from getting “stuck” in the system for years on end.
  2. Promoting best child welfare practices. Much of the research that is available and now included in common practices in the US on child development, attachment, and other information critical to best practices is not well known here. Practices that are detrimental to the well-being of children are common. I hope to be a part of changing this alongside many missionaries and non-profit leaders who are working towards this goal.
  3. Advocacy. There are also many times when the best interests of children are known but disregarded in favor of political or professional gain, simplicity, or prioritizing the rights of biological family members over the rights of the children. I will take every prudent opportunity to advocate on behalf of children and place their best interests and rights at the forefront of every decision.
  4. Supporting foster care. I believe that children belong in families. I believe foster care is the best way to care for children in crisis who cannot be with their biological families. And I believe the church has been called to care for these children. I plan to be a part of efforts to call the Honduran Church to rise up and stand in the gap for its children.

Honduras is a country with a lot of needs and a lot of brokenness. God has revealed to me at least a part (because I know I could not handle the whole thing) of His heart for His children here. Though the evil is overwhelming at times, and it sometimes feels like a lost and far too dangerous battle, I believe that He is working, and I surrender myself to be used by Him. I cannot see exactly what God is doing, and I don’t know exactly how He’s going to use me, but I know an incredible work is taking place, and I invite you to be a part.

How you can pray for us.

Please pray for the extremely broken and corrupt child welfare system in Honduras. Pray for leaders to be put in place that actually care about the wellbeing of children and for profound systemic change.
Pray against the corruption in Honduras government as a whole. So many Hondurans feel that there is no hope or future fot them in this country, largely due to a deeply corrupt government.
Pray for more people who are willing to stand up for and defend vulnerable children, no matter the consequences, to be brought up.
For all financial need to be met.
I also appreciate prayers for peace, strength, wisdom, and direction for myself as I seek to follow God's call on my life in Honduras.

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The prayer of a righteous person is powerful and effective. James 5:16

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The prayer of a righteous person is powerful and effective. James 5:16

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