
Michael & Komanwan Perez

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The prayer of a righteous person is powerful and effective. James 5:16

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Some people run triathlons. Others compose symphonies, design skyscrapers or become masters in karate. Michael speaks words of life. A Young Hispanic, Spoken Word Artist from Chicago who followed JESUS to South East Asia. Many years ago Michael dreamed of renovating an old fire house in Bucktown, Chicago into a creative space for inner city youth. Little did he know that the dream was for youth in a different “inner-city” just minutes away from the war torn country of Burma.

In 1997, Michael went on to study computer engineering for 2 years at the University of Illinois in Chicago and finishing his degree in Business in NYC, but Michael knew there was more to discover. After some soul searching, Michael was re-awakened to his dream. His journey into the world began, experiencing countries like Turkey, Honduras and soon after a year long backpacking trip through South East Asia, Africa and Eastern Europe. Michael found what he was in search of and its been growing him ever since. He can't be buried..he's a SEED!

How you can pray for us.

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The prayer of a righteous person is powerful and effective. James 5:16

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Send an encouraging message or prayer to the campaign owner. Let them know you are praying for them.

The prayer of a righteous person is powerful and effective. James 5:16

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