
Marnel Wessels

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The prayer of a righteous person is powerful and effective. James 5:16

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Who am I?

Hi there! My name is Marnel Wessels. I am 19 years old and originally from South Africa. I am currently taking a gap year in London and I have completed a 6-month Discipleship Training School (DTS) with YWAM Urban Key London. I love participating in the performing arts, whether it’s singing, acting or playing the guitar. I also have a big heart for people. It makes me so happy to love people the way that God loves them. 

God’s calling upon my life:

Whilst doing my DTS, God revealed to me that it is His heart for me to minister within the film industry and through this revelation God has led me to the point of making a decision to receive the training to do so by doing the 'School of Acting for the Screen' (SAS), which I will be partaking in until the 9th of December. 

What is a SAS?

The School of Acting for the Screen is a 3-month second level school offered by YWAM Urban Key, where actors and School of Digital Filmmaking student directors team up to tell stories that are relevant and appealing to today’s audience. It offers a chance to learn about influencing the film industry with ethical principles. It also focuses on giving actors and filmmakers the necessary skills for going into the industry with biblical guidelines. 

Why SAS?

I want to sharpen my acting skills as much as possible, although it is very important for me to see God's perspective of Drama and to be able to discern properly when it comes to being led by Him vs being led by my own will and desires. I believe this school will not only equip me with a better understanding of Acting itself but it will also draw me closer to God's plan for my life. 


Throughout the past 2 months God has provided incredibly for me through multiple people, the journey started off with me having a school fee of £4,050 and miraculously I only have £986/$1250 left to pay off before the school finishes. I am honestly beyond grateful for the people that have supported me during this journey, making it possible for me to do this school. It has been such a special experience so far. 

An invitation for support: 

As I mentioned, I still have quite a bit of fees to pay off before finishing this school and I would like to invite you to pray about supporting me financially in this journey of faith.  


Ministry Focus


How you can pray for us.

My overall well-being
For clarity with regards to my future in the Industry
The remaining school fees
To have faith in God's plan for my life
For the rest of the school

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The prayer of a righteous person is powerful and effective. James 5:16

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The prayer of a righteous person is powerful and effective. James 5:16

Profile Prayer Form


Fundraiser to pay off the rest of my SAS fees

$0 of $1,250 Raised.