Brandon Helm

Brandon Helm

Helm Sports Ministry

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The prayer of a righteous person is powerful and effective. James 5:16

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Billy Graham said a Coach will impact more people in a year than the average person will in a lifetime.  We all remember a Coach who believed in us or taught us the game.  How often do we look back and ask who was supporting the Coach?  Coaching is stressful, hard on family, and requires a calling to be the one who stands in the gap for their athletes. This is never more true than in the inner city where many athletes are without a strong male presence in the home.  The amount of spiritual warfare on the coaches is incredible.  

HSM believes we are called to uplift our coaches and be someone who has their backs outside of wins and losses and the pressure. We want to be an organization that uplifts them.  

How will we accomplish this?

1. PRESENT JESUS in all we do!

2. We will offer them personal relationships through bible studies, phone calls, and by being engaged in their lives.

3. Resources provide resources for coaches to attend camps and retreats for personal growth and marriage help.

4. Providing resources for their teams through Team chaplains, team-specific talks, and/or custom-made lessons that they can go over with their teams.

5. Needs-based help for teams through team dinners or breakfasts etc...

Ministry Focus

Inner City Ft Worth.  

How you can pray for us.

Open doors in the public school setting. Favor with Coaches that they see value and support in the ministry

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The prayer of a righteous person is powerful and effective. James 5:16

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Our Ministry

Helm Sports Ministry

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Send an encouraging message or prayer to the campaign owner. Let them know you are praying for them.

The prayer of a righteous person is powerful and effective. James 5:16

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