Hi everyone! I am 23 years old and originally from Southeastern New Mexico, USA. Before transitioning to a full time staff position with YWAM Amsterdam, I was a Psychology major at a Christian University. Much of my education has enabled me to find a new found passion for seeing people walk in the fullness of life that God has for them. I love walking through discipleship and relationship with others and my heart comes alive in the simplicity of a conversation over a cup of coffee.
I began to feel the call to missions as a teenager. It was during early mornings, praying on my bedroom floor, that the Lord began to burden my heart for much of what I am passionate about now.
I am currently in the process of fundraising for a new two year commitment to YWAM Amsterdam and a Visa to stay in the Netherlands for that time. The visa application alone is 380 Euros. Would you prayerfully consider contributing to this financial need? If you would like to join my team of monthly supporters for the next two years, please reach out! I would love to connect!