
Joey & Jonna Brack

Shiloh Ministries

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The prayer of a righteous person is powerful and effective. James 5:16

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We are the Brack Family (Joey, Jonna, Brody and Lily). Jonna and I served at Youth With A Mission in Tyler, TX for 4 years. I met Jonna and her son Brody at YWAM in Feb 2019 and in Oct 2020 we were married. We welcomed our daughter, Lily on December 3rd, 2022. While in YWAM, we served as outreach leaders for training schools, Jonna directed YWAM Tyler's Pregnancy Resource Center (PRC), and I worked in the Strategic Frontiers department engaging with unreached people groups and urban ministry. From the time we met in YWAM we've shared a burden to see people struggling with substance abuse of any kind find freedom through Jesus Christ just as we did. Both of us having experienced the saving grace of God while enslaved to drugs and alcohol before we became followers of Jesus understand the heartache, hard work and challenges that those in addiction face on their journey to recovery. During our time at YWAM we spent much of our "off-time" at Shiloh Ministries in Liberty TX. Shiloh is a one-year residential discipleship program for men who struggle with addiction. Over the last 4 years, our family has spent time investing in Shiloh by teaching, sharing testimonies and building relationships with the staff and men in the program. This summer our family will make the transition to serve full-time at Shiloh Ministries. The mandate that Proverbs 24:11 gives to 'Rescue those who are being taken away to death; hold back those stumbling to the slaughter', reminds us that our great salvation comes with the cost of our lives being laid down for the broken and wayward. Shiloh Ministries is not just a program, but a mission field and community where the Word of God is taught, where the Holy Spirit is engaged through worship and prayer, where captives are called into their destiny and where disciples are transformed into disciple makers. We are excited to be a part of Shiloh, to bring a family dynamic to the ministry and live life with these precious men called out of darkness into His marvelous light. If you or someone you know struggles with addiction, we welcome you to reach out to Shiloh Ministries and experience the faithfulness of God... take it from me, a Shiloh graduate myself.

How you can pray for us.

Our children, (Brody and Lily), to adjust well to the new ministry environment at Shiloh Ministries. A new city means making new friends and connections for fostering the healthy relationships our children will need. For growth in spiritual maturity, discernment and wisdom for administering and receiving discipleship. Financial provision towards our moving expenses and monthly support. Continued unity, comfort and support for Jonna and I as we leave our home, friends and our beginnings as a family, for what God has called us into next.

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The prayer of a righteous person is powerful and effective. James 5:16

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Shiloh Ministries

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The prayer of a righteous person is powerful and effective. James 5:16

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